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St. Michael,

The Arch Angel

Mural Centerpiece
45 ft wide x 17 ft high

Commissioned by Fr. Enrique Lopez, The Mural of St. Michael the Arch Angel was completed 

March 27, 2014 with blessing of the mural on April 27, 2014


The mural is showcased in Historic St, Ann Catholic Church. It is 45 ft wide and 17 ft high and portrays St. Michael 

defeating Satan in early morning light. A legion of angel on his left and on his right witness the defeat.


To the right is the Court of the Evangelist, Mark, Mathew, John and Luke also concentrate on the final battle of St. Michael.

The court angels are at their feet and a banner is held high by one angel depicting the symbols of each Evangelist.


To the left of St. Michael is God the Father, depicted here unfurling the veil of time. As He does, various angels fall to earth. Each angel portrays one of God's blessings, the gift of faith, beauty, floral, literature, the arts. The large angel is cloaked in the cobalt blue of a Southern New Mexico sky, along with the stars, sunburst and waterfall.


Another large angel hold the scales of Justice, He is standing on the peacock of pride. This is to illustrate that at times  pride gets in the way of making the right decision.


On the far left is the Holy Family of Joaquin, St, Ann and a young Virgin Mary. Mary is the only figure looking straight at the altar. She wears a white mantilla, to show that respect never goes out of style in the house of God. Heavenly angels shower her with the flowers which depict her virginity, white lilies, roses and carnations.  


On either side of the mural you see a half shell. The half shell was on the  early Christian symbols of heaven being bestowed upon its people.

The one on the left overflows with the flowers of Mary. The one on the right overflows with fruits and vegetables. I have included green chili, because what would heaven be without green chili !


The mural has been recognized by The National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It now serves as an example of faith, and the popular southern New Mexico Santero art style. 


​The mural can be seen during regular church hours. Appointment for groups  by  arrangement with the business office.



St. Ann Roman Catholic Church

400 S. Ruby Street

Deming, New Mexico 88030


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